Using Materials

How To Use Materials

There is much you can achieve by applying the Babylon.js standard material to a mesh and a variety of types of texture. Beyond that there is also physically based rendering material to give a more realistic appearance to a material.

Coming next

Reflections and Refractions
Learn all about reflection and refraction in Babylon.js.
Introduction To Materials
Jump into the exciting world of learning to use Babylon.js materials.
More Materials
Learn about applying bump, opacity, tiling, and detail maps in Babylon.js.
Parallax Mapping
Learn all about using parallax mapping in Babylon.js.
Map Materials to Individual Mesh Faces
Learn how to apply different materials to different faces of a mesh.
Different Textures On The Front And Back Of A Mesh
Learn how to apply different textures to the front and back of a mesh.
Learn how to use Babylon.js Multi-Materials.
Dynamic Textures
Learn all about dynamic textures in Babylon.js.
Video As A Texture
Learn about how to use video as a texture in Babylon.js.
Introduction To Blend Modes
Learn blend modes and blending pixels in Babylon.js.
Introduction to Physically Based Rendering
Start learning about Physically Based Rendering in Babylon.js.
Using An HDR Environment For PBR
Learn about using an HDR Environment in your Babylon.js scene.
Mastering PBR Materials
Dive further into learning about PBR materials in Babylon.js.
Fresnel Paramaters
Learn fresnel parameters in Babylon.js.
Procedural Textures
Learn fresnel parameters in Babylon.js.
KTX2 Compressed Textures
Learn advanced texture compression with KTX2 support in Babylon.js.